First of all i just want to thank and send a shout out to all my friends who were at the screening tonight and who showed me their love and support: Kira, Andrea, Sharyonda, Juliet, Brian, Bob and Janet. Now on with the movie review...
While whiteout had good effects and a very good subject I found it to be a bit predictable. I don't know, some people out there who aren't movie fanatics like me probably cant see the ending of movies or whats coming next, this movie was easy to figure out. I thought that the action and the scenery were great and it had some startling parts, but wasn't scary or that suspenseful. Overall i enjoyed it cause it is Kate Beckinsale and she rocks. 6 out of 10 for me.
In other news I ending up spending all afternoon at my doctors office and i didn't get all of my paperwork together to finish filling out my applications for Medi-Cal and Social Security, so if I'm lucky and work all morning tomorrow i can maybe turn it in tomorrow, otherwise i have all weekend to do it and then just turn it in on Monday. I have a ton of calls to make to gather information. Fun fun fun, i know (NOT!!!)
Sorry I cudnt make it. I am beyond overwheled with school at the moment, im sure u understand. Nevertheless, I will be there on monday and I would like a shout out. Thanks. Rams