Well i was at the doctors all this morning (my regular primary care physician)and it was just a basic check in with them, they haven't seen me since my diagnosis and wanted to talk to me and see where im at and what i know. So the bad news is that i don't qualify for the immediate coverage of Medi-Cal that i spoke of before,there is a very short lost of who does, so they wouldn't fill out that form for me.
But some slightly better news is that i talked to them and told them how it sounded like my oncologist was waiting for me to get approved on Medi-Cal to do the next step (which is a p.e.t. scan and bone marrow testing) and they said they they knew of a few places that do it and take MSI, so they have a call in to talk to the oncologist and they called the insurance company to ask for authorization for the p.e.t. scan. (From what i know the p.e.t. scan is where they inject your body with a particular kind of radioactive substance that goes thru your body and is attracted to cancerous cells and when they do the full body scan it lights up the area the cancer is and will tell them if its spread,or how large it is).
So now i have to go through my room and find all of the paperwork from the last two and a half years and on the forms i have to turn into Medi-Cal and social security i have to list every doctor that Ive seen, every treatment/surgery/procedure/test Ive done and their office locations, doctors names, phone numbers addresses and all of that. Its probably gonna take me a few days to gather up all of that information.
I just wanted to thank everybody who so promptly responded to my e-mail that i sent out,sorry if u didn't get it, that means i don't have your current e-mail address. thanks for all of your thoughts and prayers and please if u have any suggestions or tips or know of a place i can go or call for help please leave it in a comment on my blog. Or if u have a question that u want me to answer or something to address leave it as well, and as always...
GOD Bless,
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