OK, so I went and had the PET scan done today,it was a long and boring procedure,It was over three hours from the time we got there to the time I was finished. So first thing they do is test your blood sugar levels (mine was 91, I was told that the good range is 80-115) So after that She put in shot me full of a few bottles of radioactive liquid. Then I had to lay down in a quiet room for and hour so the substance would go thru my body and latch onto the cancerous cells. After the hour was up the put me into the PET machine and it went back and forth, in and out and then did scans of different parts of me, that was a little over and hour. So thank GOD that is done and they should be faxing the results over to my doctor sometime tomorrow afternoon.
Whats next? Well I talked to Julie out of Dr. Senders office this morning and they want me to get about 20 different blood tests (im not quite sure if they take all of the blood at one time,or what), she also needs me to get my tissue sample from the lab that analyzed it and bring it to UCI,she says they r better trained there and will have a clear cut result asap. They also want me to go get a echo cardiogram (www.www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Echocardiogram ) cause apparently the chemo can cause a strain on the heart and they need to make sure that its all normal and healthy.
So here is the part that threw me a bit, I hadn't heard this until this morning, she asked me to put in a request to get a port-a-cath (www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portacath ) When I asked what it was and she told me I almost lost it, I was literally fighting back tears in a instant, and I just pushed the wall of tears and fears back into me,so I could ask questions. I'm not sure why that almost made me break down, I guess it was just a shock, and the fact that they need to cut me open and implant a device in my chest to have a place to administer the chemo into my body without having to go thru the vein repeatedly. They say it makes everything easier to administer. I guess at that moment it starts to become real for me.
So I'm waiting to hear the results from the PET test by tomorrow, and then waiting for approval to be treated by Dr. Sender, and the approval for the echocardiogram and the portocath. The Blood work isn't a problem, I have a check up with my P.C.P. on Thurs morning and he will order the blood work. SO please continue to pray that those things get approved asap and I can get to the chemo soon.
So ill continue to update everyday and please if you have any questions, comments or suggestions please leave them and I will address them. Thank you soo much for reading and caring. I truly love you all!
GOD Bless,
P.S. Thats me in kindergarten and a pic I took at Disney awhile ago.
Hey Adam. James and I are continually praying for you and all the insurance stuff. I'm glad the PET scan went well. Keep looking forward and try not to become so overwhelmed with the unknowns. The Lord will get you through one day at a time. Let me know if you need anything. We love you!
Hey James and Kari, Thank you guys soo much for your thoughts and prayers and leaving them in a comment so I can know you were here. I'm really trying to stay positive and push forward, I decided to make some more calls into some programs that I heard about but haven't had the chance to contact. Maybe they will be able to help me get stuff done quickly. I hope to see you guys soon! Love Ya!
GOD Bless,
Love your pics! Don't forget to take pictures while getting your tests & treatments. It will be a good way to remember the journey & praise God for His faithfulness
Great kindergarten picture. So cute. Reminds me of Nathan and Zachary.
I am praying and I just requested you to be added to the CCWG weekly prayer letter (first name only).
Love you,
Thanks Noelle for that. i was a cute kid, what happenned? LOL still waiting 2 hear back for my PET results.ill blog as oon as i hear anything new.
GOD Bless,
Hi Adam, been praying for you. Wonderful result from the PET scan. Praise God.
When you're ready, please allow me to discuss eating healthier. Our American diet allows our body to breed cancer and other things. Our body was meant to heal itself, but we don't eat right. I've changed my diet over the years, yes, it's a gradual process unless you're already fighting a disease, then you have to get radical!!
God loves you so much, Adam. He doesn't want to lose you to our enemy. Draw near to Him and He will draw near to you.
Your sister in Christ,
Debbie Oakes