Well i guess i should start with the main reason i started this blog. I HAVE CANCER! I know, are u as shocked as i am by reading that? LOL
Well just a few days ago i was told that i have Non-Hodgkins B-Cell Lymphoma with possible Burkitts Lymphoma. I don't have a lot of details as of now cause they have more tests to run, but i do know that i had three very enlarged lymph nodes in my groin that i discovered in March of this year. I didn't know what it was then, everybody thought it was a hernia due to my back injury,but when the finally got around to testing it, it wasn't. So then i had a few more tests done and they thought the three lumps were cysts or tumors, so i had a needle biopsy done about a month and a half ago and although we learned that they were lymph nodes the rest of the results were inconclusive. So i had to wait another month to have a full surgical biopsy where they removed the top and largest lymph node and thats how i was diagnosed.
The worst part is that im on workmans-comp cause of a very serious back injury that has had me out of work for over 2 years now, and i had to have 2 spinal surgeries & hardware drilled into my spine! Since im not working i cant afford private health care so im on MSI (a government assistance program for medical things) and my oncologist wants me to get treated at UCI Medical Center for my chemotherapy im gonna have to do, but guess what? They dont take MSI, so now i have to go apply for another form of assistance, Medi-Cal cause they take that,but its a long and complicated process with lots of paperwork that i need to fill out, and documents of my own that i need to find and collect. So here i am with cancer needing to get tested asap to find out some vital information about it and im stuck behind a wall of lines, forms and government formalities! So please keep me in prayer that i can find some way to be rushed thru the application process.
I will come on as much as possible to write everything out and please comment and ask questions and ill try to answer them the best that i can. I will b talking to you all soon!
GOD Bless,
Here are some numbers you should call. 1-800-638-HOPE this one is for cancer grants.
1866-512-3861 patient advocate for financial aide for cancer patients and this wesite suite101.com for a bunch of other info on financial aide for cancer patients. I will still be looking but thought this would be a start for you. Love and keep the good thoughts, Diane
Thanks Dianna, i have soooo much research and calls and paperwork to do right now. its probably the only thing keeping me together at the moment. but i will definitely call 2day, if not then tommorrow. Love ya
You are at a scary point in ur life but know that ur friends support you all the way.
You are strong and you will get thru this.
Thank u soo much Ramez, im sure that will make all the difference in the world when the hard times come!