Now the work begins....

So I have to find a place to apply for Medi-Cal insurance asap, but i don't wanna do it at the social security office, cause i heard it takes all day and then u have to wait a month to get accepted. i don't have that kind of time. I think im gonna call the American Cancer Society since they have a 24 hour helpline. I have to go get blood tests sometime today. The oncologist want to check for blood diseases or other stuff that is associated with this type of lymphoma.
I am starting to get scared and nervous, not about the cancer per-se but just about the process and if im gonna get all of the tests done that i need now asap! I just want to know all of the details good or bad, not knowing the specifics like: What Stage is it at? Has it spread?and all of that. For now i just gotta focus on getting the insurance i need and the tests done that the oncologist wants to do.
On a some what good note im going to a special screening tonight of "9" the new Tim Burton animated movie, looks good and have been waiting to see this 4 awhile. I just gotta get going and do the stuff that needs to get done so i can go to see this 2night. Please if u have any suggestions or comments for me please leave them. Talk to you all later.
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