As I look to the sky, I wonder, “What lies ahead of me?” Not knowing the future or what I should expect. “How much pain will I feel? What kind of pain will I put my family and friends through?”
I can’t help but to think, “Why is this happening to me? Did I do something to deserve this? Does anyone deserve this? Could I have done something to prevent this? Is this somehow my fault?”
I want to cry out to GOD, but does he hear me? He knows all, so what could this possibly accomplish? I don’t want to, but I feel hurt and betrayed by yet another set of trials and tribulations, the BIGGEST ONE of my life, that I have yet to face. I am praying that I can be strong and to trust him and to have tremendous faith.
As the sun sets on this chapter of my life, I can’t help but to think, “Will there be another chapter, a new beginning? Will the sun rise tomorrow and be brighter then ever? Will the air be crisper, the grass greener, the world a better place then it is today?” I can only have faith that it will be.
So I guess I’ll just have to wait, and look to the heavens and just hope to see that sliver of first daylight. “Will it ever come?? PLEASE COME!!!!”
Photo taken tonight at 7:23pm from my cell phone
I can't sleep...working on my blog...missing you! I think you will enjoy my new blog once I have it up and running again...I know I know I change it like daily but I've been working on this one for a while now...and alas...MY CREATION IS ALMOST COMPLETE...BWAA HAA HAA!