Well here is an update. I called the American Cancer Society last night and talked 2 them for over 2 hours. I asked tons of questions about treatments, side effect and all of that. They r also gonna be e-mailing me all the information they told me over he phone.
They also told me about local organizations that can possibly help me out with expediting my Medi-Cal application and others that might be able to help me get my tests done that i need asap.
So im a little bit more hopeful. I have a ton of information to collect and that i need 2 fill out these applications about my past medical history.
I'm somehow keeping it together, i haven't had a breakdown yet, i have 2 much too find out and too much to get done 2 have a breakdown right now. Thank you all soo much for your thoughts and prayers, please keep them coming and comment are always welcomes and very much appreciated.
Some updates coming soon to my blog: I'm going to be adding a music player that is going to have songs that are fun, inspirational, that make me happy and that inspire emotions. Some are sad, & some are fun, but i enjoy them all . Another new addition is that i going to be adding a place for some Bible Verses that i have found or that people have given to me that have really spoken to me during this time. Thank you all sooo much for caring and keep coming back and I'll do my best to keep you all updated.
GOD Bless,
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