"9" movie Review

My 9 movie Review Well I saw "9" 2night. Overall i liked it, the realism of the animation, the inventiveness of the world they made up, & just the original concept was amazing. It was a bit too dark 4 small children in my opinion. It could have been a bit better, but i Did enjoy it. Tim Burton rarely goes wrong, although he just produced it his touch is all over this film. The action and voice casting were excellent! If your a fan of his go c this film! PS This poster over to the right actually was a foreign poster from Italy that i liked, so i photo shopped it and took off all the foreign writing and messed with the color and voila!
2 Responses
  1. Jessika Says:

    I'm sexcited for this one!

  2. Anonymous Says:

    Heard it was stupid from ppl with similar taste in movies.