Another Day...... Sept 19th 4:15pm

First and foremost I just wanna wish my bro-in-law Robbie a Happy Birthday!  I'm not sure if its actually today or you are just going out to dinner tonight. I'm sorry I'm missing your birthday dinner, i was gonna go if my my parents, but neither of them are here and I'm still working on some paperwork. So I Love You Man and I hope you have the best Birthday EVER!

  Well I was up early this morning, I know I have a lot to do (Well thats probably a given) . I really need to finish my online Social Security/Disability application. This is day four of working on it, and I really need it to be just finished already so its one less thing to worry about. Ive already worked on it for 12-15 hours, cause I either have to stop because I have a doctors appointment, My back is me from sitting still for so long or I have to find and gather up information to answer the questions they are asking.  Ive been working on it since about 8am this morning and I finally finished the full medical History portion. Now I'm working on the full Work/Education History portion which is the final section before you review the information and hit send. I am SOO TIRED, I haven't been sleeping, my back was me and I started to get a headache from staring at the screen for soo long, so I just took a break and ate a whole wheat Bagel with Peanut butter and some apple sauce, YUM!

  So the plan is to finish this application today cause I need to get approved for better insurance like yesterday! I am still un-decided on what to do about the possibility of losing my fertility during chemotherapy, but my mother told me something that was very true, she said "Well pray and see what GOD tells you, and if he wants you to go to the fertility bank then he will provide the way for you to pay for it!" That is basically where I'm at right now, if it happens then so be it, I cant be using what little energy I have right now stressing about the life of a future child that hasn't even been thought of or conceived yet.  It would be a lot easier to decide this if I was with the woman that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with and be married to, but I'm not so that really doesn't matter.

  So the plan for this week is that I have to start prepping for   Monday cause Dr Senders office is trying to get it moved to be done quicker, and then if the insurance company approves for me to see and be treated by Dr Sender out of UCI then I have an entire week of tests: EKG (heart scan) cause chemo can affect the functionality of your heart, an eco-cardiogram (another heart test I believe) , a full range of work testing a whole bunch of things and numbers I don't quite understand, a full physical, re-testing of the sample that they already removed from me but at UCI, and even possible bone marrow withdrawals to be tested . That is all I can remember that she told me, but I'm sure there are more tests to be done.

  I'm a bit scared to start chemotherapy, but even more scared of it not being approved and going longer without treatment. Just a shout-out to my old friend Joey that I used to work with at Hilo Hatties , thanks for the call to talk to me, and even a bigger thank you for calling me during free weekend talk time! I really do hope that we can get together next weekend if time, my schedule and my overall health permits.

  Well like I said before, please leave comments or suggestions and if u want to stay up to date on my progress then go to the bottom of my blog and subscribe to it. As usual thank you soo much for caring enough to read this and I really do appreciate all comments, suggestions and prayers!
                                            GOD Bless,

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