First a shout out to my friends who came tonight, thanks: Jamie, Kathy, Cheree, Bo, Donna, Bob and Janet, and dad. For those who canceled yet again, u know who you are!
So i went to this movie knowing not to much about the plot of the film, besides what you see on the trailer. I didn't look into this movie like i do others. I was hoping for a quirky, offbeat comedy. What I got was a slow, quirky sometimes comedic (but more situational comedy then actual funny parts). I really had few hopes fort this movie and it barely did that much.
Cont get me wrong, i chuckled a few times, a little belly laugh here or there, but this movie was extremely slow! The guy next to me was sleeping in his girlfriends lap, and four teenagers in front of me walked out of the movie two-thirds of the way thru the movie, and it was free.
Matt Damon's character is complicated and he was amusing, the one thing that kept me into the movie was thinking ahead and figuring out what was really going on. So if you like slow offbeat dramas that are two hours long, then see this film. if u need constant action or suspense to stay into a movie, then do not see this film!
As Always GOD Bless,
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