So I finally got to go see Dr Sender at UCI today. After talking to everyone in their office for the past three or four weeks. I only got approved to see him cause his awesome office put in a lot of calls to the insurance company & pushed them to approve me.
So as soon as I got into the office the entire staff that Ive been talking to for the past few weeks came in and introduced themselves and they all gave me a hug. it was overpoweringly emotional. Its just such of a relief to finally know that there are people out there that truly do care about me and my well being.
So I saw the doctor and he and his physicians assistant discussed the previous test that I have had and what those results were. what it boils down to is that although the surgical biopsy did tell us that it was Non-Hodgkins B-Cell Lymphoma, it said "with possible Burkitts Lymphoma" and Dr Sender says that he doesn't do "possibles" they want an exact diagnosis so they are ordering my tissue samples to be sent to UCI so their world class pathologists can examine them and know for sure if I have Burkitts or not.
I also brought the cd with he PET scan images on it and he is gonna have the radiologist there at the hospital take a look at the images and give a second opinion and maybe a reason why the other lymph nodes did not show up on the scan.
So from the pathological review I am gonna find out if I have intermediate lymphoma or a type of Burkitts, and there are two types that it could be: a inactive lymphoma (if I had it but there is no longer any traceable cancer in my body) or another kind that is active.
The bad news is that all of the above require chemotherapy: depending on what their review of my tissue sample find will just change the type of chemotherapy I get and how long the treatments will be. The shortest one is a few months and the longest one would be around or a little over six months . He didn't give me a ton of information on the chemotherapy cause he said that it would be pointless to flood me with all this information until they have an exact diagnosis.
Dr Sender also discussed with me that he is looking for a young person to blog and or tweet about their experience, so he mentioned to me that maybe I could be that person, that bring this information and all of my experiences to a new generation. He told me that he has a lot of young patients with cancer and it is a very scary thing. So I was thinking "could this be my purpose? My reason for going through this?" who knows but GOD and only time will tell. But just having that thought gave me some new hope and shed some light on my situation. I guess uplifting would be the word for it.
So I think that's all the information I have for now' or all that I can remember at this time. I will be sure to keep you all updated on what I find out. Thanks again for reading and caring about me and please keep the prayers coming!
GOD Bless,
Still praying. Thanks for the update.
thanks soo much Ray & Michelle. how is it going there in Mexico. i hope its going great
so glad to read that you had such a positive appointment. enJOY your birthday @ Disneyland with family & friends!