First horror, then depression & then Thankfulness! October 8th, 2009 10:15am

OK, so i didn't write yesterday cause there was sooo much going on and I just could  handle writing cause I was on emotional overload .

  So after the awesome visit that inspired me and filled me with hope on Tuesday i get a call yesterday from Dr Senders office telling me that I need to change my "MEDICAL HOME"  to include their facility. I called MSI and before I even got a callback Dr Senders office called me again and told me that they said that as of September 1st no one can change their medical home.

  Dr Senders office said that without approval to have them be my medical home they cant start any treatments. Well i was making phone calls to everybody that I knew to call.I even called Medi-Cal to check up on my application. So needless to say that by the end of yesterday I was upset and distraught! I had an oncologist that cared for me and is willing to help me out' treat me and is a specialist in my field an then I have an insurance company that wants me to be seen by an oncologist that doesn't care about me and even said that she couldn't even treat me!

  So for the first time since finding out I have cancer I broke down and cried! I DIDN'T KNOW WHAT TO DO BUT CRY OUT to GOD and ask for mercy!  So I put it on my facebook and twitter asking everyone to pray for me and that GOD would intervene and somehow sway the insurance company to change their minds and their new policy.

  This morning I got a call back from the insurance company, just to tell me that I'm not eligible to change doctors til the end of December. I begged and pleaded with them and explained  that the doctor they are trying to send me to told me that she doesn't treat my type of cancer in her facility and they said thats the rules! I get a call back from the same lady from MSI about fifteen minutes after I got off the phone with her saying that Dr Sender himself called the medical director of California and pleaded my case personally and got them to overturn that rule for me and so now I am approved to see Dr Sender and get my treatment and chemotherapy done thru UCI!

  So praises be to GOD, I was literally at the point of despair last night and today I am rejoicing and praising GOD! HE is good and I am seeing his work in this situation.  I still don't really know they "why" behind all of this, but I am amazed and humbled about how he has worked to help the insurance situation.

  I also want to personally thank each and every friend, family member, brothers and sisters in Christ and any strangers who lifted me up in prayer. Its an overwhelming feeling to know that people all over the place are thinking and praying for you!

  I also need to thank Dr Sender and every other person in his office that has gone to bat for me (Dora, Teresa, Linda, Julie, Anna and anyone else that name escapes me at the moment)
I am soo lucky to have found people that actually care if i live or die! thank you soooo much!

  Well i am on my way to Disneyland for my B-Day  so I have to go (don't worry I'm not driving and writing this) LOL. God Bless you all and I pray that I can be as good as a friend and prayer warrior as you guys have been for me!

     An eternally Grateful,
1 Response
  1. April Says:

    PRAISE THE LORD! I am so happy to see some good happening with all this. I know it's still such a long road, but God is so good to answer our prayers! I love you and am so glad your birthday is going well so far! I hope you have such a blessed day...I miss celebrating with you!