Im having the portacath put in tomm (Weds 28th) at 7am at UCI. Please pray everything goes well, plus Im getting a bad cold, which is not good at all. God Bless
So I went to the movies this past Saturday with my friend Dawnn & saw three movies, but since I already have seen one of them, so I will only review the two new ones!
OK, so I'm just gonna start off saying that I was not a fan of SAW V, and I d how The entire movie was all about flashbacks and what happened in the past movies. I felt like I paid to see the movies that I already have seen and owned.
So I haven't watched the SAW movies in awhile, I was told by a close friend that if u watch them all back to back that they intertwine and connect amazingly. I'm gonna have to do that soon.
So its been a year since SAW V and honestly I don't remember that much about it besides the fact that I felt jipped. I will say that this newest installation in the SAW franchise is more y and gory then previous ones. I loved the storyline and how I understood everything without having to re-watch the old ones.
This movie is definitely better then V (in my opinion) and if you are a fan of these films then you should be pleased. It starts off with a bang (or slice) and jumps right into the story. It has you really rooting for these characters to succeed at first ans then the more you learn about their past the more you kind of want to see them fail!
Its probably because its so close to home but let's just say that there are some health insurance people involved and I really wanted to see them suffer. You get to see what goes on behind closed doors and how they use loopholes and pure logic to decide coverage for individuals or choose to drop them, basically a sentence for most.
So if you like mystery, seeing people get their come-uppance and lots of and gore, then this is a film for you.
I knew that this was a remake , although I have never seen the original I read all about it before I went to go see this film. To kind of get an idea of the caliber of the first and to see what they did different in this remake.
First off I would like to say that I really like Dylan Walsh (who plays the stepfather) in his role in the awesome series Nip/Tuck. I'm not really familiar with Penn Badgley (the son) hes on some teeny-bopper show. The mother looked oddly familiar but I couldn't place her face (maybe cause it looks like shes had a lot of plastic surgery done)
So the movie kicks off with this calm scene of a guy showering and cutting and dying his hair, its a very low key and relaxed scene. Then as he leaves they pan down and show the family that he has just killed. So from the get-go you know tha he is a killer. In my opinion it would have been better not showing that up front, so that you are left wondering if he is really the "family killer".
This movie is full of suspense and very creepy Looks from the "Stepfather". It does really build up the tension throughout, but it makes you wanna scream at the screen "Hello! He's clearly psychotic, RUN!!!!" This movie plays really well against the audience and leaves you wondering what happens next, but as it builds up towards the final confrontation you have to wonder "Is it gonna pay off in the end?"
My answer is that it doesn't, although I thought this film was OK, it really didn't seem to have a big pay off at the end for the audience. I saw almost every twist and turn coming so was not surprised at all and my friend who isn't a major movie-buff at all wasn't impressed either, which says a lot!
So my recommendation is that if you wanna see this film it wont kill you to wait until its on DVD. Seeing it in a theater and paying big bucks to see it on the big screen wont make that much of a difference.
I hope these reviews were helpful or insightful in some ways, so until next time....
I'll See You At The Movies
OK, so I'm just gonna start off saying that I was not a fan of SAW V, and I d how The entire movie was all about flashbacks and what happened in the past movies. I felt like I paid to see the movies that I already have seen and owned.
So I haven't watched the SAW movies in awhile, I was told by a close friend that if u watch them all back to back that they intertwine and connect amazingly. I'm gonna have to do that soon.
So its been a year since SAW V and honestly I don't remember that much about it besides the fact that I felt jipped. I will say that this newest installation in the SAW franchise is more y and gory then previous ones. I loved the storyline and how I understood everything without having to re-watch the old ones.
This movie is definitely better then V (in my opinion) and if you are a fan of these films then you should be pleased. It starts off with a bang (or slice) and jumps right into the story. It has you really rooting for these characters to succeed at first ans then the more you learn about their past the more you kind of want to see them fail!
Its probably because its so close to home but let's just say that there are some health insurance people involved and I really wanted to see them suffer. You get to see what goes on behind closed doors and how they use loopholes and pure logic to decide coverage for individuals or choose to drop them, basically a sentence for most.
So if you like mystery, seeing people get their come-uppance and lots of and gore, then this is a film for you.
I knew that this was a remake , although I have never seen the original I read all about it before I went to go see this film. To kind of get an idea of the caliber of the first and to see what they did different in this remake.
First off I would like to say that I really like Dylan Walsh (who plays the stepfather) in his role in the awesome series Nip/Tuck. I'm not really familiar with Penn Badgley (the son) hes on some teeny-bopper show. The mother looked oddly familiar but I couldn't place her face (maybe cause it looks like shes had a lot of plastic surgery done)
So the movie kicks off with this calm scene of a guy showering and cutting and dying his hair, its a very low key and relaxed scene. Then as he leaves they pan down and show the family that he has just killed. So from the get-go you know tha he is a killer. In my opinion it would have been better not showing that up front, so that you are left wondering if he is really the "family killer".
This movie is full of suspense and very creepy Looks from the "Stepfather". It does really build up the tension throughout, but it makes you wanna scream at the screen "Hello! He's clearly psychotic, RUN!!!!" This movie plays really well against the audience and leaves you wondering what happens next, but as it builds up towards the final confrontation you have to wonder "Is it gonna pay off in the end?"
My answer is that it doesn't, although I thought this film was OK, it really didn't seem to have a big pay off at the end for the audience. I saw almost every twist and turn coming so was not surprised at all and my friend who isn't a major movie-buff at all wasn't impressed either, which says a lot!
So my recommendation is that if you wanna see this film it wont kill you to wait until its on DVD. Seeing it in a theater and paying big bucks to see it on the big screen wont make that much of a difference.
I hope these reviews were helpful or insightful in some ways, so until next time....
I'll See You At The Movies
OK, So I went to go see Amelia tonight, I absolutely love Hilary Swank and she is totally amazing in all of the films she does. Every time I watch Million Dollar Baby I always get choked up at the end.
So I have heard a lot about this film over the past few weeks and have heard it said that this could be another Oscar worthy role for her. So those are some pretty big shoes to fill (even if they are your own)
Hilary Swank's ability to transform herself for these roles is just amazing, I mean when you watch the film you truly believe that she is this character. So this movie is a drama that was written by taking information from two people who wrote biographies of Amelia's life.This is a slower movie so don't be expecting huge action sequences. This movie is a very interesting bit of history, Going into this film I just knew the basics about Amelia Earhart but I learned a lot about her life, what she accomplished and the fact that she was a feminist and didn't really believe in marriage!
Well as usual Swank is amazing and Richard Gere and Ewan McGregor give great supporting roles as the men in her life. This is a compelling story about the rise of Amelia and all that she accomplished. This movie is for people who love Swank and who are interested in the history behind Mrs. Earharts miraculous journey and rise to fame.
So I would say see this film if you are interested in the history behind her and not if you expect an action-packed film. So until next time.....
OK, so I heard from the doctor today and they finally have a clear-cut diagnosis for me. After testing my tissue samples for a third time and getting three different specialist opinions they have arrived at a conclusion.
I have "Diffused Large B-Cell Lymphoma" not Burkitts. So what this means is that I don't have the more rare and potentially dangerous Burkitts. But Burkitts is an easier treatment of chemotherapy that is usually shorter in nature so that sucks! Plus Burkitts also one of the fastest growing Lymphomas is one of the most receptive to chemo as well.
So Chemo is typically 3 rounds or cycles(2-3 months long) and just to be sure they want 2 do localized radiation treatments on my groin after chemo is done. I was told that they don't anticipate my life should dramatically change while undergoing chemo, but there will be certain times in each cycle where my white cell counts will drop and it is dangerous to be out in crowded public places. They say because I'm young and am gonna have a shorter round of chemotherapy that I shouldn't have all of the side-effects that is the stigma associated with chemo.
So a round of chemo consists of getting the chemo on day 1, and then taking medication for the next five days or so. Then you start it all over again 16 days after your done with that and it just repeats that cycle until your done with the recommended rounds. Not sure about the details of the radiation yet, thats a different office that handles that. The type of chemo that I am going to be receiving is called "R-CHOP"
So now I'm waiting 2 hear back from the hospital my appointment to have the portacath surgically implanted next week. Then I should be in chem by the end of next week or the beginning of the week after that by the latest.
So its good news, but scary at the same time, so I will keep u posted on any new information that I hear and please leave comments, suggestions or whatever you want and I will answer them.
Thank you and GOD Bless!
Ok, so I got a call from the doctor this morning and the preliminary results from the pathology re-review came back and there are still some uncertainties so they re getting more of the tissue to run different tests and calling in another specialist to get his opinion. They say its peculiar because one test says something & then another hints at something different.
They have what are called "markers" or "flags" that they look at when they test the tissue samples, and some say intermediate grade lymphoma while others say its the more rare "Burkitts" lymphoma. They of course cannot start any treatment until they are one hundred percent positive of what I have.
They hope to know something for sure by tomorrow. So we will see on that what happens and if I hear anything back tomorrow.
I went and had an EKG and Echocardiogram today. Just checking out the general health of my heart and to see how strong it is cause the chemo can effect it and give you problems if your not in good shape to begin with.
Im still waiting to hear about the portacath being installed in my chest. Thats prpobably the scariest things to me, that they are going to install a device into my chest and attach it to my organs and heart. They use it to withdraw blood and its where they can administer the chemo drectly into my heart and organs , they can bypass using my arms and not have to damage the tissue or veins.
So I guess thats all 4 now. I will try to update on here as soon as I know anything more. As always thanks for caring enough to read this and I hope to have some more positive and concrete news soon!
GOD Bless,
They have what are called "markers" or "flags" that they look at when they test the tissue samples, and some say intermediate grade lymphoma while others say its the more rare "Burkitts" lymphoma. They of course cannot start any treatment until they are one hundred percent positive of what I have.
They hope to know something for sure by tomorrow. So we will see on that what happens and if I hear anything back tomorrow.
I went and had an EKG and Echocardiogram today. Just checking out the general health of my heart and to see how strong it is cause the chemo can effect it and give you problems if your not in good shape to begin with.
Im still waiting to hear about the portacath being installed in my chest. Thats prpobably the scariest things to me, that they are going to install a device into my chest and attach it to my organs and heart. They use it to withdraw blood and its where they can administer the chemo drectly into my heart and organs , they can bypass using my arms and not have to damage the tissue or veins.
So I guess thats all 4 now. I will try to update on here as soon as I know anything more. As always thanks for caring enough to read this and I hope to have some more positive and concrete news soon!
GOD Bless,
Well I just got the call from Julie at Doctor Senders office in UCI and all three things that I have been waiting for have been approved! The tissue sample was delivered to their pathology lab this morning. They are gonna re-test it and have a clear cut diagnosis by Fri. Then they are gonna talk to me and set up a chemotherapy plan and their hope is that I will be starting chemotherapy by mid next week.
Also they are scheduling me for the eco-cardiogram test of my heart and the minor surgical procedure of installing the portacath which is where they administer the chemo and draw blood from. So although I am happy to finally have this happening it is also a scary thought. So all prayers are appreciated and I will blog any more as soon as I hear anything about specifics or dates. I just got my appointment time for the ecocardiogram and I'm having it done this Thursday at 2:30pm. If you have any questions or suggestions please leave a comment. As always, thank you so much for caring .
GOD Bless,
Also they are scheduling me for the eco-cardiogram test of my heart and the minor surgical procedure of installing the portacath which is where they administer the chemo and draw blood from. So although I am happy to finally have this happening it is also a scary thought. So all prayers are appreciated and I will blog any more as soon as I hear anything about specifics or dates. I just got my appointment time for the ecocardiogram and I'm having it done this Thursday at 2:30pm. If you have any questions or suggestions please leave a comment. As always, thank you so much for caring .
GOD Bless,
A Serious Man
A Serious Man is an indie comedy by the Coen Brothers. I would consider it to be in the dark comedy genre. Is about a Jewish man in the 70s, whose life is staring to fall apart. His job as a university professor is at risk, then his wife tells him that she wants a divorce and is already seeing another man. He is also trying to deal with his sons Barmitzvah and the extra expenses incurred from that. His wife kicks him out of the house to have her new boyfriend move in.
This movie just frustrates you because one thing after another happens to him and he just keeps taking it because he is so docile and is getting bad advice from priest and friends. At times I just wanna yell at the screen " Are you stupid? Don't take that!" Over all this movie is decent, very very slow at times but has the indie comedy feel to it. It had a couple of great laugh out loud moments and some great one liners.
It is definitely not a movie for kids or families' its ''R'' rating comes mostly from cussing and content (most of the cussing is from the sons school friends) The Coen Brothers have made such movies as: Burn After Reading, No Country For Old Men, O' Brother, Where Art Thou"? , Intolerable Cruelty and The Big Lebowski . So if you are into this type of movie then you will probably like this movie.
The Ugly Truth
The Ugly Truth is a romantic comedy starring Katherine Heigl and Gerard Butler. It has been out for awhile but I missed it when it first came out. This is a story about a successful and controlling television reporter who has controlled her way out of even the simplest relationship with a man.
Then enters Butler's character who's is a truth telling womanizer who has a local cable show called "The Ugly Truth" where he gives his take on the male/female dynamic and takes calls(mostly angry women) and tells his opinion of what men really want. So because Heigl's show is suffering they hire Butler to come in and do a segment on her show and of course his crass and abrasive opinions are a hit.
So the movie is about their awkward relationship and him trying to help her change into what men want. So their relationship progresses and he coaches her in a new relationship she starts and it then falls into the typical romantic comedy mode and gets a bit predictable, but it is a cute movie.
Couples Retreat
I have been wanting to see this movie for a long time and missed the screening cause it was on my birthday.Well I saw it and thought it was funny. An amazing cast of characters that are as funny and diverse as the day is long.
All of the couples in this movie have their own problems and set of circumstances that keep them from having the "perfect marriage". Well when one couple tells their group of friends that they are seriously considering getting a divorce they decide to go on a trip to a exotic resort that specializes in couples therapy. Reluctantly they all go for support. Although the group of friends think that they are there to relax they soon learn that they must all partake in the counseling and classes if they wish to stay.
I found this movie to be quite funny and very well acted and directed. The locations are amazing as well as the supporting cast/ I truly liked this movie and found it to be waaaay funnier then the majorly disappointing "Funny People" that was thought to be the major comedy of the summer.
It is rated "PG-13" for some language and scenarios, but a good film. It truly explores the couples dynamic and although marriage starts off with passion and love that doesn't always last and there are ways to re-discover that bond within yourself and your spouse
Where The Wild Things Are
This is a very interesting movie.Based off a nine sentence children's book that is mostly pictures this movie is a marvel of modern technology with its special effects.
It revolves around a rambunctious boy named Max who is having a hard time dealing with his life. He has an older sister who is more interested in her friends then him and a single mother who is super busy and stressed with work and is dating a new guy. After an argument with his mom he runs away and gets on a boat and winds up in a place Where the Wild Things Are.
This is not necessarily a movie for youngsters although people of all ages can probably enjoy it, but there are many themes that run through this movie: immaturity, imagination, growing up, recklessness, the ignorance of youth and many others. Max does not set a good example to children as he is wild and un-controllable at times, but he also is caring and wants to make things better for the Wild Things, he just lacks the knowledge and experience to do so.
Overall this movie was very well done, soo glad they took so long to make it right,it is visually stunning and just great special effects. I would recommend this movie to people. But it isnt all action and adventure, there are slow and dramatic moments, but lots of fun moments as well. Watching this movie made me think back to the carefree days of yester-year and the joys of youth.
It revolves around a rambunctious boy named Max who is having a hard time dealing with his life. He has an older sister who is more interested in her friends then him and a single mother who is super busy and stressed with work and is dating a new guy. After an argument with his mom he runs away and gets on a boat and winds up in a place Where the Wild Things Are.
This is not necessarily a movie for youngsters although people of all ages can probably enjoy it, but there are many themes that run through this movie: immaturity, imagination, growing up, recklessness, the ignorance of youth and many others. Max does not set a good example to children as he is wild and un-controllable at times, but he also is caring and wants to make things better for the Wild Things, he just lacks the knowledge and experience to do so.
Overall this movie was very well done, soo glad they took so long to make it right,it is visually stunning and just great special effects. I would recommend this movie to people. But it isnt all action and adventure, there are slow and dramatic moments, but lots of fun moments as well. Watching this movie made me think back to the carefree days of yester-year and the joys of youth.
Paranormal Activity
I have heard a ton of hype about this movie, so naturally i was a bit skeptical .I will say that Im rarely scared in scary movies. Most fall into the typical shoes of a horror film and go thru the same steps as many other before them have. Having said that I think that Paranormal Activity although compared to the documentary style of "the Blair Witch Project" is much more suspenseful and innovative.
This movie theatre was packed, i mean every single seat was taken and so that made for an interesting movie viewing in and of itself. I will say I loved the realism and look of the film. The editing and special effects were woven perfectly into the footageand for only costing $11, 000 to make was a great film.
So this movie is about a couple who is trying to figure out exactly what is going on in their home because strang things have been happenning. They hire physics and paranormal specialists to help them figure it all out. The husband is obsessed with the vcamera and filming everything while the wife is generally terrified and wants it to be all over. Im not gonna give anymore away to the plot of this film cause it would take away from yourmovie experience.
The audienced screamed,squirmed and jumped throughpout the film and there were massively packed suspenseful moments when you just know something is gonna happen and are on the edge of your seat waiting. I didnt find this movie "scary" but from what I could tell the majority if the audience did. In fact a lady two seats over from me started crying halfway through and had to leave because she couldnt handle the movie.
So if u want to see this film you have to see it in theatres, it just wont have the same feeling from the comfort of your couch. So see it while you can.
So until next time, happy viewing and I will see you at the movies!
GOD Bless,
This movie theatre was packed, i mean every single seat was taken and so that made for an interesting movie viewing in and of itself. I will say I loved the realism and look of the film. The editing and special effects were woven perfectly into the footageand for only costing $11, 000 to make was a great film.
So this movie is about a couple who is trying to figure out exactly what is going on in their home because strang things have been happenning. They hire physics and paranormal specialists to help them figure it all out. The husband is obsessed with the vcamera and filming everything while the wife is generally terrified and wants it to be all over. Im not gonna give anymore away to the plot of this film cause it would take away from yourmovie experience.
The audienced screamed,squirmed and jumped throughpout the film and there were massively packed suspenseful moments when you just know something is gonna happen and are on the edge of your seat waiting. I didnt find this movie "scary" but from what I could tell the majority if the audience did. In fact a lady two seats over from me started crying halfway through and had to leave because she couldnt handle the movie.
So if u want to see this film you have to see it in theatres, it just wont have the same feeling from the comfort of your couch. So see it while you can.
So until next time, happy viewing and I will see you at the movies!
GOD Bless,
OK, so I just called my oncologists office cause its been a few days since we talked and I wanted just an update. Well the doctor and nurses are in the cancer clinic today treating patients so Dora at the front desk said that she would pass on the message and have them get back to me. The things I've been waiting on are the lab results from the pathologists at UCI to re-test my tissue sample that was taken during my surgical biopsy, and have a clear diagnosis of exactly what I have. Then from there we are gonna make a "road map to recovery" plan on my treatment and all of the details. So I will post anything new I find out.
In a side un-related topic every time that there is a holiday my paycheck (which is mailed to me by the workman's comp insurance company) is late. So because it is almost a week late again my account is overdrawn because I have direct bill pay that automatically deducts for certain bills. So I called my lawyers office yesterday to talk to them like I always do when I have a problem with my checks and Maria (office director) puts me on hold and then my lawyer Mr Meline comes on. I never talk to him directly unless its and emergency, so right away I know somethings up! So he comes on and asks me a few questions about whats going on with the cancer and I tell him all that I know and then he tells me that workman's comp has "p.n.s.'d" me which means that they have released me from disabled status to able to work status.
Now I have a question: "If I was physically unable to work in March when I was doing therapy and found the lump, then why would I be physically able to now when I have not done any therapy or physical activity to help strengthen my back since then?" If anything I have basically become physically dormant to rest up and not make the situation any worse. So now I am scared and confused and my lawyer said that he was gonna check into a few things for me, but the next step would be to start talking settlement, which is good but that can take awhile and he gave me the two options: either take lifetime medical coverage of my back and a bi-weekly check until it runs out, or take lump sum settlement.
Now I always thought that I could do a lump sum and also ask for lifetime medical, so now I'm really confused and don't know what to do! Also my lawyer talked about how this cancer is number one priority and I should focus on whats going on with that. I cant just wait around and not be getting paid and do the whole settlement thing after I'm done with Chemotherapy, so I need some serious prayer. Please pray that GOD helps show me and my lawyer what to do and that I can be taken care of during this time, thanks.
As Always GOD Bless,
P.S. This picture was taken at Disneyland last Sunday
Well I had a great birthday. After getting the call in the morning that I had been approved my day was really shaping up. My parents, brother and I went to KNOTT'S for brunch at the Chicken Dinner Restaurant. It was good.

Then after that my brother and I headed to Disneyland, where we hung out at California Adventures and rode some rides for a few hours and then my friend Joey showed up. We stayed at California Adventures for a few more hours and then headed to DISNEYLAND.

Once at D-Land we went on the Haunted Mansion Holiday where we met up with my friend Juliet and Bryan.
We went on Pirates of the Caribbean where in line I recognized Kelly Packard who I used to watch on California Dreams and she was also on Baywatch for awhile. I talked to her and asked her for a picture, she was really sweet.

We went around the park and did all the major stuff: we rode Matterhorn, Big Thunder Railroad and we had a blast. We ate dinner at the Plaza Cafe, watched the fireworks and we stayed until around 11pm. It was a blast! Thanks to all of my friends that showed up. I had a great day!
Thanks a lot for a Blessed Birthday everybody!

Then after that my brother and I headed to Disneyland, where we hung out at California Adventures and rode some rides for a few hours and then my friend Joey showed up. We stayed at California Adventures for a few more hours and then headed to DISNEYLAND.

Once at D-Land we went on the Haunted Mansion Holiday where we met up with my friend Juliet and Bryan.
We went on Pirates of the Caribbean where in line I recognized Kelly Packard who I used to watch on California Dreams and she was also on Baywatch for awhile. I talked to her and asked her for a picture, she was really sweet.
Then soon after that my friend Ramez showed up after school...
Then we rode space mountain a few times...

Thanks a lot for a Blessed Birthday everybody!
OK, so i didn't write yesterday cause there was sooo much going on and I just could handle writing cause I was on emotional overload .
So after the awesome visit that inspired me and filled me with hope on Tuesday i get a call yesterday from Dr Senders office telling me that I need to change my "MEDICAL HOME" to include their facility. I called MSI and before I even got a callback Dr Senders office called me again and told me that they said that as of September 1st no one can change their medical home.
Dr Senders office said that without approval to have them be my medical home they cant start any treatments. Well i was making phone calls to everybody that I knew to call.I even called Medi-Cal to check up on my application. So needless to say that by the end of yesterday I was upset and distraught! I had an oncologist that cared for me and is willing to help me out' treat me and is a specialist in my field an then I have an insurance company that wants me to be seen by an oncologist that doesn't care about me and even said that she couldn't even treat me!
So for the first time since finding out I have cancer I broke down and cried! I DIDN'T KNOW WHAT TO DO BUT CRY OUT to GOD and ask for mercy! So I put it on my facebook and twitter asking everyone to pray for me and that GOD would intervene and somehow sway the insurance company to change their minds and their new policy.
This morning I got a call back from the insurance company, just to tell me that I'm not eligible to change doctors til the end of December. I begged and pleaded with them and explained that the doctor they are trying to send me to told me that she doesn't treat my type of cancer in her facility and they said thats the rules! I get a call back from the same lady from MSI about fifteen minutes after I got off the phone with her saying that Dr Sender himself called the medical director of California and pleaded my case personally and got them to overturn that rule for me and so now I am approved to see Dr Sender and get my treatment and chemotherapy done thru UCI!
So praises be to GOD, I was literally at the point of despair last night and today I am rejoicing and praising GOD! HE is good and I am seeing his work in this situation. I still don't really know they "why" behind all of this, but I am amazed and humbled about how he has worked to help the insurance situation.
I also want to personally thank each and every friend, family member, brothers and sisters in Christ and any strangers who lifted me up in prayer. Its an overwhelming feeling to know that people all over the place are thinking and praying for you!
I also need to thank Dr Sender and every other person in his office that has gone to bat for me (Dora, Teresa, Linda, Julie, Anna and anyone else that name escapes me at the moment)
I am soo lucky to have found people that actually care if i live or die! thank you soooo much!
Well i am on my way to Disneyland for my B-Day so I have to go (don't worry I'm not driving and writing this) LOL. God Bless you all and I pray that I can be as good as a friend and prayer warrior as you guys have been for me!
An eternally Grateful,

So I finally got to go see Dr Sender at UCI today. After talking to everyone in their office for the past three or four weeks. I only got approved to see him cause his awesome office put in a lot of calls to the insurance company & pushed them to approve me.
So as soon as I got into the office the entire staff that Ive been talking to for the past few weeks came in and introduced themselves and they all gave me a hug. it was overpoweringly emotional. Its just such of a relief to finally know that there are people out there that truly do care about me and my well being.
So I saw the doctor and he and his physicians assistant discussed the previous test that I have had and what those results were. what it boils down to is that although the surgical biopsy did tell us that it was Non-Hodgkins B-Cell Lymphoma, it said "with possible Burkitts Lymphoma" and Dr Sender says that he doesn't do "possibles" they want an exact diagnosis so they are ordering my tissue samples to be sent to UCI so their world class pathologists can examine them and know for sure if I have Burkitts or not.
I also brought the cd with he PET scan images on it and he is gonna have the radiologist there at the hospital take a look at the images and give a second opinion and maybe a reason why the other lymph nodes did not show up on the scan.
So from the pathological review I am gonna find out if I have intermediate lymphoma or a type of Burkitts, and there are two types that it could be: a inactive lymphoma (if I had it but there is no longer any traceable cancer in my body) or another kind that is active.
The bad news is that all of the above require chemotherapy: depending on what their review of my tissue sample find will just change the type of chemotherapy I get and how long the treatments will be. The shortest one is a few months and the longest one would be around or a little over six months . He didn't give me a ton of information on the chemotherapy cause he said that it would be pointless to flood me with all this information until they have an exact diagnosis.
Dr Sender also discussed with me that he is looking for a young person to blog and or tweet about their experience, so he mentioned to me that maybe I could be that person, that bring this information and all of my experiences to a new generation. He told me that he has a lot of young patients with cancer and it is a very scary thing. So I was thinking "could this be my purpose? My reason for going through this?" who knows but GOD and only time will tell. But just having that thought gave me some new hope and shed some light on my situation. I guess uplifting would be the word for it.
So I think that's all the information I have for now' or all that I can remember at this time. I will be sure to keep you all updated on what I find out. Thanks again for reading and caring about me and please keep the prayers coming!
GOD Bless,
So as you all know I have been struggling with he insurance company to be approved for the next round of tests & also to see a oncologist that I was told about by my friend Jay at the American Cancer Society. Well I have been in constant contact with this doctors office and they have been talking to me and I have been keeping them abreast of whats going on with the insurance company so they have been calling my primary doctor nd putting pressure on them to do follow up calls and they have also started calling the insurance company and bugging them as well.
So I got a call from Dr. Senders office late his afternoon and they called and yelled at someone and got the insurance company to say yes for me to see hem. Now this is how awesome Dr Senders office is, they are rushing me in to have a consult with the doctor tomorrow afternoon, and its his day out of the office! I am seriously soooo grateful to finally have someone that I feel truly cares for my well being. Its a blessing, a true blessing!
So praise GOD for all of that. Its gonna be a consult and we are gonna go over all of the results from the previous test that I have had done. Were also gonna discuss the next steps and other tests that I need 2 have done. So please continue to pray that those can be approved asap so they can get a clear idea of what I have and how to treat it! Soooo thank you sooo much for all of your thoughts and prayers and I will be sure to blog about what I happen to find out at the doctors appointment tomorrow!
As always GOD Bless and I love You!
So I got a call from Dr. Senders office late his afternoon and they called and yelled at someone and got the insurance company to say yes for me to see hem. Now this is how awesome Dr Senders office is, they are rushing me in to have a consult with the doctor tomorrow afternoon, and its his day out of the office! I am seriously soooo grateful to finally have someone that I feel truly cares for my well being. Its a blessing, a true blessing!
So praise GOD for all of that. Its gonna be a consult and we are gonna go over all of the results from the previous test that I have had done. Were also gonna discuss the next steps and other tests that I need 2 have done. So please continue to pray that those can be approved asap so they can get a clear idea of what I have and how to treat it! Soooo thank you sooo much for all of your thoughts and prayers and I will be sure to blog about what I happen to find out at the doctors appointment tomorrow!
As always GOD Bless and I love You!

Ok, So my family and I went to Disneyland Yesterday to celebrate my cousin Kelly's Birthday. We were there the afternoon and night. It was super crowded which sucks, but what are you gonna do?

So we rode a few rides and watched the new parade and FANTASMIC. It was a good but exhausting day. Ill put a few pics on here but the rest of them will be on my facebook.

So im back to the grindstone tomorrow with calls and trying to get some answers. I will post something as soon as I hear it. Thanks soo much for reading and I will talk to you soon!
GOD Bless,

First and foremost I wanna thank everyone who came to see the movie with me, so its time for shout outs: Dad, my friend Dawnn that I used to work with. My friends Bob and Janet. Kiera and her mom Andrea, Monique and Tim (it was great to see you guys) and anyone else I forgot I'm sorry!
The Invention of Lying is a comedy written by and starring the ridiculously funny Ricky Gervais. Its is also staring Jennifer Garner, Jonah Hill and of course Rob Lowe. So the premise of this movie is simple: IN a world where no one can lie or even know what lying is one mad discovers he can and when he does everybody automatically believes him (because they don't know any better).
So there are a few things that I am going to address first: this movie is rated PG-13 but I would not suggest to any parents with kids that age or younger there are multiple times that the dialogue goes sexual and is a bit more detailed then "Tommy Teenager" needs to hear. The second item I want to address before the rest of my review is the hidden storyline behind this comedy. Besides the funniness and laughter there is a (not very well hidden) theme in this movie and it is actually about atheism and GOD. There is no GOD in this alternate universe and nobody has ever heard of "The Big Man In The Sky" until the main character makes him up to comfort his dying mother and then the whole movie spins that way. Then he just starts making up rules that GOD wants the world to live by and then he mimics Moses and the ten commandments. Not sure if they were mocking/spoofing or completely making fun of the Bible but just beware that is the central theme.
On with the review. Overall I liked this movie, it was a bit slower then I expected, with less laugh-out-loud moments then I hoped for but there was a surprising twist that I didn't expect, this movie had a heart! There were quite a few heartfelt and tearful scenes and that I wasn't expecting. This was a great addition to the typical situational comedy that I was gonna place this movie in.
The Supporting cast was great and I surprisingly believed the relationship between Garner and Gervais. I liked Jonah Hill as the downbeat suicidal neighbor. Rob Lowe doesn't even have to act to be the pretentious you-know-what (its just how he seems to be in real life in my opinion). I love the cameos appearances by Tina Fey, she can do no wrong in my book (so far).
So to boil it all down: you should see this film if you are OK with the two reasons I listed above and you can expect laughs just not constantly. Be prepared for some slower dramatic parts and if your an emotional movie goer a tissue or two as well.
I hope this was helpful and until next time Ill see you at the movies!
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