The Blind Side
OK so there's a lot to say about this film. Firstly it is a true story, which in my case always makes it more intense emotionally knowing that these people really went thru all of this. Secondly, this is not a football movie! Its a touching story about: compassion, relationships, redemption and new beginnings. This is a great family film(men bring tissues if you have women that tend to tear up easily) because this film is endearing, touching, heart wrenching,
I think that the casting was just spot on Perfect!! Sandra Bullock as Leigh Anne was just a powerhouse and incredibly moving. Tim McGraw as Sean the father and husband was pretty good (for a singer LOL)and played really well off of Sandra's performance. Well little Jae Head who plays SJ the youngest child of Sandra and Tim. He completely steals every scene that hes in and is the biggest comedic relief in the film. Completely great, that child has a major career ahead of him!
Now onto newcomer Quinton Aaron who portrays Michael the main character that the whole movies about.Quinton just has this kindness and shyness about him that totally makes the character even more relateable. I just loved how he brought this essence to this portrayal of a real life person that could have been done in a completely "feel sorry for me, boo hoo" sort of way. He never makes you feel like hes looking for sympathy, u freely want to give him all that you have!
This is definitely a movie that I would recommend the whole family to go see. Although there are so dramatic and sad parts this movie ultimately is an uplifting film that leaves you feeling happy and joyful. One of the parts that I really loved is at the end of the film they show real footage and pictures of all the real people from this story and kind of depict the journey they went on!
Well I am gonna stop here and not go into any more details because you need to see this movie for yourself!
This is definitely a movie that I would recommend the whole family to go see. Although there are so dramatic and sad parts this movie ultimately is an uplifting film that leaves you feeling happy and joyful. One of the parts that I really loved is at the end of the film they show real footage and pictures of all the real people from this story and kind of depict the journey they went on!
Well I am gonna stop here and not go into any more details because you need to see this movie for yourself!
Everybody,s Fine Stars Robert Di Nero as the father that is not well connected with his kids after his wife passes away. This film starts off with Roberts character getting his home and yards ready for all of his kids to come down for a nice visit. One by one they all cancel without any explanation and against his doctors orders he decides to go surprise all of hem at their homes across the country one by one.
His children all are hiding things from him and lying to him about their personal and professional lives to make sure hes proud of them. But as the movie progresses and they tell him lie after lie he starts to realize things aren't what they seem with them.
This film is a bit complicated. When I first saw the trailer for this film online a few weeks ago you the impression that this is a comedy, and although there are many comedic parts in this film that make you laugh out loud, overall I would say that this is a drama that deals with some pretty dark and sad themes a lot of the time. He has four children but from the get go you only see three which is a giveaway that somethings wrong. I was moved at times and generally felt what he was feeling and believed his genuine sadness at times. I would recommend this film, its got some great actors and some great scenery. A general warning there is some swearing in this film and one "F" word which really seemed out of place and quite unnecessary in my opinion. I wasn't very shocked or surprised at most of the twist and turns and had the movie basically figured out ten minutes in, but still generally enjoyed it.
So if any of this sounds appealing to you and you enjoy these actors and their work then go see this film!

Strange occurrences, disappearance's and a town that doesn't get much sleep is what she finds and as she starts to talk with patients she starts to find similarities in all of their stories and they all seem to wake up at the same time of night and they all seem to see the same white owl outside their window, staring in at them! But beyond that none can say anything else about their nights.
So Dr Abigail Tyler decides to put one of her patients under hypnosis to see if she can delve deeper into what has been happening to him and whats going on. Since I don't wanna ruin the movie Ill just say that not much is revealed under hypnosis besides the fact that when trying to remember it scares the person beyond belief.
This movie starts to unfold and you slowly start to realize as Dr Tyler does, that something strange and un-explained is happening in this town and the more she dig into it the stranger things get! This movie has great suspense and shows you barely anything concrete so you are hooked in. This movie has some disturbing images, and frightening subject matter, so is not for small children or the faint of heart. I really liked this movie and was thoroughly creeped out, but is it real? Is any of the footage or testimony that they intertwine through the movie real? who knows!
So thanks for reading these reviews, I hope they give some insight or an idea of what the movies about. Coming up next... MY NEW MOON REVIEW!
I'll see ya at the movies!
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