A Summary- About my Portacath and I'm starting Chemotherapy Tomorrow! Nov. 3rd, 2009
Sorry I haven't updated in awhile.  Well I had my 
surgical implantation of the portacath last Weds 
(Oct 28th) it went good. It was a bit more 
intense then i thought it would be.I knew that
they were gonna be cutting open my chest, but 
what I didn't know was that they were gonna be 
making incisions at the bottom of my neck and 
putting tubes down them.  So I was awake for the
surgery, the procedure itself wasn't that painful,
the afterward is!


It feels funny and so far 
its been pretty painful. 
It just hurts to move my 
neck chest or arm because 
they cut thru the muscle. 
I'm sure the thing that hasn't been 
helping is the fact that I started 
getting sick the night before the 
surgery and have had major head,
sinus and chest congestion.I
have been sneezing and coughing 
, which you can imagine 
doesn't feel the greatestto have your chest muscles
flexing when they just cut thru them!
So I really think that this darn cold and all of 
the coughing has seriously slowed down the rate 
at which the incisions are healing. They told me 
that I shouldonly be really sore for a few days
and here a week later I'm still in some major 
pain. But besides that I'm doing all right. I was
told I could take the top bandages off today 
cause they were falling off and they would be 
taking them off tomorrow anyways. So here is what 
I can see now.

They put some sort of glue
on the incision to help it
heal but the problem is that
they didn't wait for it to 
dry and now the sutures and 
part of the bandage are glued
to the incision. So this 
should be interesting and I 
really hope that they can take 
them off without ripping
open the incisions.
OK, so I  am starting chemotherapy tomorrow at
9am at UCI Hospital.  I went and gave      
at the lab this afternoon so they have all of
my starting       counts,and then I went and 
got two of the six medicines that I'll have to
take during each round of chemotherapy and 
I just found out today that there's is a co-pay 
for each one and now this is another bill that
I'm gonna have and I hope I can handle it on
top of everything else that I have right now.
So tomorrows chemo will be a bit longer then
the rest because its my first time and they 
have to take       and give me a lot of
different medicines orally and thru injections
before I start the actual chemo treatment.
They say I should expect to be there 6-8
hours possibly. So I just gotta bring reading 
materials, charge myphone and GAMEBOY DS and 
just be prepare to sit for awhile (now Im 
wishing I had a neck pillow and even one of
those butt doughnut pillow thingies).  Once
again my chemo is called "R-Chop" and I will 
hopefully do an update tomorrow to let you all
know how it went. I'm sure it wont be as long
as this one I promise.  Once again thank you
for all of your thoughts and prayers and I love 
you all!
GOD Bless, 
3 Responses
  1. Anonymous Says:

    First how did the Chemo go today, second if you are looking for a neck "pillow" the best are the pillows called boppie (I think thats it). They use to for pregnant or new mothers so you can find them at a Baby's-R-Us. Its sounds stupid but they are the perfect shape and size for big shouldered guys. IDK just thought it might help.

  2. Randam Adam Says:

    Thanks Big Show I ill definately take that into consideration. BTW who are you? I dont recognize the user name?

    Well I have been getting the chemo for over 3 hours now & I was told that it could take between 8-12 hours for this first ession cause they have 2 start u off slow & c how ur body reacts b4 bumping it up to next ,level & so on & such forth!

    Man this is gonna be a looooooong Day. The longest ever in history! LOL Well thanks ya'll for all of the positive thoughts & prayers (yes I did just say ya'll) & I will try w keep u all up to date.

    You can follow whats going on with me here on my blog, on Twitter (CCWGGuy) & on facebook as well.

    Thanks & GOD Bless!!!!


  3. Anonymous Says:

    Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!