A Christmas Carol, 2012, The Box Movie Reviews, POsted Nov 16th, 2009


 Well first of all I just want to say that the animation in this movie is great!!
It is well written and has beautiful animation and vision.  I saw this in IMAX 3D on opening day with my parents and my friend Dawnn.  Generally we all loved it.  Jim Carrey is amazing!  He plays three or four parts in this film and is just the complete package.

 This film sticks pretty close to the Charles Dicken's original story and is a great re-inventing of the classic Christmas story.   This movie can be for the whole family, but there are a few grotesque and possibly frightening parts for young children.

  I would definitely recommend this in IMAX but u have to at least see it in 3D. I don't think that it would have the same effect without the 3D animation effects.  This is one of the most real looking and feeling computer generated films that Ive ever seen. Its a treat for the whole family and you should not wait for this on dvd to see it.  Take advantage of it in theaters and see it before its gone.

   There is not really a lot to say about this film that you don't already know about the original tale...oh Jim voices Scrooge and all three of the spirits that visit him during the night.  This film has a great voice cast and a lot of secondary characters that I recognized the voices of that you didn't even know were in this film.. So go out and see it today!

OK So I must admit that I have been waiting for this movie for a very long time.   Been hearing about it for months and months and even though I didn't have the greatest expectations for the story I knew that the special effects had to be amazing from what Ive seen.

   This movie isn't out to win any Oscars or get any awards for superb acting.  This is just a fun roller coaster of a ride movie thats basically a summer blockbuster being released in the winter time. So to those who knock it just cause its Oscar season and this movie doesn't fit into the typical November film, just let it go

   So a basic summary is that this movie says that the Mayan calendar along with a few other historical things state that the world is set to end on December 21st, 2012. Now some people in reality are freaking out over this and some believe it to be true but most just take it as a movie and thats all.

  This movie follows a few peoples journey and the hell that breaks loose when these "predictions" start to come true.  So basically small things start to happen and then larger events start to happen that gets the world attention and of course the government is there to say that nothings wrong (while secretly planning ahead to prepare for the devastation). So the earth becomes unstable and massive earthquakes and eruptions and giant tidal waves start to devastate the world and we basically follow a few families journey for survival.

   I thought that John Cussack and Amanda Peet did a decent job at the separated couple who have to work together to save themselves and their kids.  Woody Harrelson has a small supporting role in which he is hilarious as a hippie and of the world conspiracy theorist and many other good performances.

   So the effects in this movie were phenomenal, lets face it, thats why you wanna see this movie. There is a lot of peril and a lot of people die as the world falls apart.  So that can be a bit depressing, but to see a few rise above it all is uplifting.  This movie is very long at almost three hours with trailers, so prepare for a long movie.   But overall I liked this movie and the concept of it is intriguing. It is slow and drags at times, but makes up for it in some crazy intense action and suspense scenes.But the most important thing this movie leaves you with is the "what if?" question after its over...

    So see it if you want an make sure you use the restroom beforehand and get a large refillable drink and popcorn and I would not suggest seeing this movie late at night as you could drift to sleep during  one of the slower scenes. But it is worth checking it out in the theater cause of the surround sound and epic scope of some of the scenes will be lost on a little TV at home.


  I wanna start off by saying that this movie has seriously intrigued me since day one that the teaser trailer was released.   I am soo happy to see Cameron Diaz branching out into other less typical roles for her. Unfortunately this probably wasn't the best choice for her.This movie stars Cameron Diaz, James Marsden and Frank Langella, I was looking forward to this film cause of its core concept "Would you kill for money?" 

 The basic premise is that you get chosen and given a choice of pushing a button that will end a human life, but you get $1 million dollars (this movie takes place in the seventies by the way, so that was a lot more money then) .  I thought from the early trailers that this was a suspense thriller about them deciding to push the button or not and living with those consequences.  This is not true,they make their decision early on and then are faced with them right away.  

  I am into all kinds of films and nothing rarely surprises me, but this film gets soo weird and sometimes even political and it was just a bit more far out then I expected.  Although I was intrigued and trying to figure out a few details, my friend Dawnn was just bored out of her skull and it was her idea to see it.

   So if your into slow thrillers (its an oxi-moronI know) and just completely bizarre story lines then maybe this film is for you, but as for me I didn't really care for it and wouldn't tell my friends to go see it.  It was hard to feel for the characters most of the time cause they keep doing stupid stuff and thats another reason why it was hard to get into it. So thats my thoughts on the most current movies Ive seen.

Until next time GOD Bless and Ill see you at the Movies!

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