OK, so sorry I haven't updated in awhile. Been really tired and trying to relax and rest but there is always something going on and it seems like I never get to rest. Plus there has been a few little problems with the home computer and I haven't felt like writing this all from my phone.

I have to go twice a week to do this and so after I go a few hours later I get a call from the nurse and she tells me the results. So far my levels have been stable and there's been no significant drop. I have talked to the nurse and she has told me that its usually between day ten and fourteen that that show signs of dropping which would be this week. So we shall see, also last week when I went to give I found out that I was extremely dehydrated and didn't even know it. I was told that the chemo and medicines could make me constipated and apparently it just sucks up the water out of my body, so I am now trying to drink water non-stop to prevent that!
Last Friday my neck started to hurt and over this past weekend I have had some pretty extreme pain in my neck right above where they mad the incision in my neck. This was a bit alarming and the best way to describe it is this major straining and sharp pain. When I feel my neck there is this thick hard line that I can feel and its only on the one side. I talked to Ahnna today at Dr Senders office and explained it to her and we both kind of came up with the same conclusion: We think that there either was some damage to the nerve or muscle after the procedure or that after the surgery i was in a weird positive and didn't move for about a week and my neck was cricked a bit due to the pain and maybe the muscles and tendons healed that way. Now that im sitting up straight the tendon is straining to move. So I just gotta keep an eye on it and see if I can stretch it back out to have normal movement of the neck without pain.I have a check up with Dr Sender this coming Friday (November 20th) and if its still bothering me then we will address it and see what we can do.
I have also asked the doctor how am I doing and I haven't gotten majorly sick and unbearably nauseous yet and she told me that as the treatment continue and I get more injections of the chemotherapy that my body will be in more pain, that I will be more sick and that the effects will be stronger and worse. So although I'm doing well now, not to get my hopes up that I will feel this good in the coming months.
So please pray that my neck will heal up and Ill be able to move my head without extreme pain and tension, that i will continue to stay strong and that I don't get majorly sick in the upcoming weeks. Also my next injection is on November 25th (the day before thanksgiving) and that I don't get ill quickly and miss out on the yummy food. Another thing that I need prayer on is that I can find a program that helps me out with prescription costs, cause im barely scraping by on paying my bills and I already have had a few extra bills in the past few months now all of these medicines that I have co-pays for are really me. Ive been told that there are assistance programs, but I have to contact them and see if I qualify.
I will try to blog more often and let you all know whats going on. Thanks everyone who has been praying and thinking of me.. It really gives me strength to know that so many people love me. Well until next time...
GOD Bless,
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