I just want to start this review by saying that I am not a "twi-hard". My friend Melina gave me the first book last year when I mentioned to her that I heard they were making this movie about teenage love and vampires and it looked interesting (I had no idea about the books at the time). Well she lent me the book and it sat on my shelf for months until she said that she needed it back to give to other friends to read before the movie came out. So I reluctantly started reading it and to my surprised I liked it! I couldn't put it down and devoured it in a few days. I went on and read the next three books before thew first Twilight even came out. So with the details of the books freshly in my mind I obviously didnt have the best opinion of the first movie cause it lacked soo much of the awesomeness that was in the book. So this time I decided to not re-read New Moon until after I saw the movie, and here is my review!

So NEW MOON starts about six or seven months after the first Twilight ended and things are getting back to normal and Bella and Edward are pretty comfortable with each other, but Edward is still afraid that them being together could not be good for Bella and it might endanger her plus put her in harms way needlessly. So they go to the Cullen's house to celebrate Bella's birthday and a simple paper cut ignites the passion of blood lust in one of the Cullen's and Edward sees how truly dangerous even the simplest of things can be for a human to be around vampires. This prompts him to just pack up his family and move away and leave Bella in a comatose state. Well this drives the main story point of New Moon, because little shy Jacob from the Indian reservation has a chance to come in and work on his relationship with Bella and try to become more then friends.... This movie has a bit of a faster pace then Twilight, although it does have some slower parts, but the fact that they don't have to set up every character plays in this movies favor in the matter of pace.

This movie also expands on previous characters that we slightly saw or were hinted at in the first film. So the movies pace slows down for a bit after Edwards leaves but once the story with Jacob starts it starts to pick. Its great to see the focus be on all these great characters besides just he Cullens, we get to see a whole new side of the indian reservation and the emerging "Wolf Pack" which is great and a whole ew cast of vampires are introduced.. The Volturi! The Volturi is one of the oldest clans of Vampires, the are basically vampire royalty that live in Italy and enforce the basic rules of vampirism and enforce the punishment if they are broken. It was great to see Dakota Fanning in the role of a sadisitic vampire that can torture you from youy own mind, a great change of pace from her traditionally dramatic roles.
So I dont wanna give much more ay out the actual film so ill get on with my review. This movie has overall a quicker pace, more action and a bigger cast of characters then Twilight and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Funnily enough my biggest qualms with this movie wasnt with the movie but more the look of the film, the subtle changes in costume, hair and make-up that were different from the first film that most people wouldnt even recognize but being the film fanatic that I am I did! The contacts that the Cullen family wear for their amber colored eyes were drastically different, alot of the hair/wigs looked like wigs in this film and a couple of times on close ups of certain vampires faces I felt like I could see the pasty white makeup on their skin.
o besides that technical stuff I really enjoyed this film, and Im sure not seeing it at midnight with hundreds of screaming pre-pubescent teen girls didnt hurt my opinion of the film either, lol. So until next time.
Ill See You At The Movies....
Im sorry I havent updated in a few weeks, ive been making a list of all the things that I wanted to write about: Movie Rewviews, my last Chemotherapy and how Ive been feeling, losing my hair.
Ive just been really tired and out of it, its been hard to focus to write things, i havent been sleeping and Ive been really busy with doctors appointments and stuff. I had a PET Scan yesterday and also a CAT scan will go over the results Thursday when I see my oncologists. Ill try to also get around to getting all of my past updates posted soon as well, but there is a more pressing matter.
My 7 week old nephew Jacob was born with some heart problems and the doctors said that they would have to watch him closely, well his breathing hasnt been right and then Sunday I guess he had some blood in his nose. Monday my sister Melissa took him to the doctors and they sent her to the ER and his looks were discolored. They decided to admit him into the hospital Monday night and said that they had to do an angioplasty yesterday to try to get his heart valves to open up. Well during this procedure his heartstopped and then they were talking about open heart surgery or even a heart transplant. There were complications during the surgery and his heart stopped beating. They had him on life support but he passed away last night around 10pm.
Please pray for my sister Melissa and her husband Robbie and my entire family during this time. I think that we are all still in shock but this is gonna be a long hard road. Thank you all so much for your prayers and I will try to keep updates on here and my facebook as much as I can.
GOD Bless,